Happy and Childless

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Happy & Childless App

Connection changed my life and I am proud to be launching the
Happy & Childless App born out of a desire to show the true
power of connection. Through connecting with other likeminded
childless men & women, I rediscovered my zest for life and a
sense of belonging. I was seen, heard and most importantly
I want this for you also. We are all different. Childlessness does
not define us. We are unique, with individual likes, passions and
interests. It is key to connect with people who get you!

“I cannot emphasis enough the impact that better, more fulfilling connections have had on my life. These connections were intentionally chosen and are where I invest my time, love and energy to enrich the friendship which exists. Finding people who you feel energised to be around or in contact with is essential"

– Helen Gallagher

Happy & Childless App Benefits

Connect with likeminded people in your area and globally. Feel seen, heard, understood and gain a sense of belonging with other childless men and women.

Search by location, interests, status

Connect with like minded childless men and women

Message directly to people with similar interests

Join the Happy and Childless Lounge for group connections

Create groups by location or interest

Access to discounted life coaching and other childless support groups